I am honoured to offer the following…

Intuitive Card Reading
Bone Divination
Personal Energy Clearing/Healing
Space Clearing
Shamanic Medicine Journey
Spirit Animal Retrieval
Soul Retrieval
Ancestral Healing

Intuitive Card Reading - I provide you with insight, inspiration and guidance.  I read the cards face down first to truly access divinely intuitive and channeled messages. Its always a lovely validating surprise when the cards are turned over and they align so beautifully, providing me with further depth to the messages I’ve received. Live in person (travel time and distance may incur additional fees) or live on zoom. I can also do a recorded reading to send if our schedules don’t align. $44+

Bone Divination - “throwing of the bones”.  Bone Divination is an ancient form of divination spanning many cultures throughout history. A mix of bones, charms and other trinkets are thrown onto a mat. Depending on how and where they land determines the intuitive reading given. A fun and interesting alternative to card readings! (I may opt to pull some cards as well if led to do that) Session will be video recorded and sent to you. $44+

Personal Energy Clearing/Healing - Releasing stuck, stagnant energy can bring you back to overall vitality and well being. An energy clearing/healing can assist with physical ailments, release of negative mental issues and patterns, and bring your body, mind and spirit back to harmony and balance. You will feel lighter, inspired, and in a better “vibing” personal space. These can be done remotely or in person. 

Remotely - there will be an initial in person zoom/phone consultation before I perform the clearing. In a session I connect with your higher self and your guides along with my own special team of guides to bring you the clearing and medicine that is most needed. I will perform a Shamanic journey to the spirit realms to receive further medicine, guidance and healing messages for you. A recording will be sent and a follow up meeting is preferred to speak about the clearing and address any questions or concerns. $111

In person - Creating a sacred space, I hold a loving and compassionate space for you, allowing you to express yourself freely along with the desired outcome you seek. In a session I connect with your higher self and your guides along with my own special team of guides to bring you the clearing and medicine that is most needed. I also bring my own personal medicine along with sacred smoke (smokeless options are available), sound healing and divination to bring you a beautiful healing experience. During the session I will also perform a Shamanic journey to the spirit realms to receive further medicine, guidance and healing messages for you.  $111+ (travel time and distance may incur additional fees)

~I have experience successfully working with clients who are experiencing issues such as stress, grief, negative persistent patterns, physical ailments and feelings of being “stuck” in their life. Further sessions may be desired or needed for deeper healing and more lasting outcomes. At times a soul retrieval or ancestral medicine (see both below) can be additional offerings that can provide deeper healing. I’m committed to helping all my clients experience lasting and profound changes and different types of healing that are needed needed can unfold during sessions.~

Spirit Animal Retrieval - Spirit animal helpers are incredibly special messengers and extremely accurate in what they bring to you with their inspiring messages, healing medicine and what they can teach us. We have numerous ones throughout our lives, as they come and go depending upon our needs at the time. I offer myself to take a Shamanic journey into the lower realms to retrieve your special spirit animal helper. A recording of my journey will be sent with the special messages and medicine that yours has just for you. This can be a very powerful and transformative experience; that all depends on you. It involves some responsibility on your part in recognizing and honouring your spirit animal. I will provide guidance on the simple and fun things that you can do to engage with yours. $77

Medicine Journey Story - Needing some guidance, healing or inspiration in your life right now? Or simply curious about how to enhance and add some magic and insight into what is already good in your life. I offer myself to travel to the spirit realms to gain spiritually guided insight to weave a wonderful story that's unique just for you. And who knows? A spirit animal helper just may show up for you too! $77

Space Clearings - Is your space in need of a good seasonal cleanse of negative and/or stagnant energy? Are you moving into a new home and would like to clear out the previous occupants energy? Are you wanting to see even more success and abundance in your life in all aspects? Or maybe you have an unwanted house guest or two that go bump in the night. I bring my intuitive/mediumship skills, along with my energy clearing skills and sacred smoke (or if you prefer, smokeless sacred spray) and sound to cleanse your living or business space. You and your space will be left feeling a lighter, cleaner space energetically, allowing more positive, productive energy and abundance to flow through. $77+. (Travel time/distance and size of space will be factored into price.)

Soul Retrieval - is a tool used by Shamans and Shamanic practitioners to help you heal through the various traumas that you may experience in your lifetime, or even a previous lifetime.

~ “The basic premise is whenever we experience trauma, a part of our vital essence separates from us in order to survive the experience by escaping the full impact of the pain. There are many common symptoms of soul loss. 
- dissociation where a person does not feel fully in his or her body and alive and fully engaged in life
-chronic depression
-suicidal tendencies
-post-traumatic stress syndrome
-immune deficiency problems
-grief that just does not heal
-addictions are also a sign of soul loss.”

During the soul retrieval process, the shaman moves into an altered state of consciousness to travel to realities outside of normal perception (non-ordinary reality), also known as hidden spirit worlds, to retrieve the lost part of the soul.

In some cases, there is reluctance of the soul to return, or the soul may not even know a separation has occurred; while in most cases, the soul does want to return. It is, however, important to note when the “soul returns, it comes back with all the pain it experienced when leaving.

Once the lost soul is located, the Shaman will “acknowledge the former pain and gently negotiate the soul’s return to the body. The Shaman then brings the soul back to normal reality and (literally) blows the missing soul part back into body through the head or heart.” ~credit to Sandra Ingerman

Soul retrievals are normally indicated during a session, or an initial consultation. Price to be determined as it could involve more than one session.

Ancestral Healing - Ancestral Healing is the process of clearing negative family patterns such as unhealed trauma, pain or abuse, unhealthy habits, etc that has been resonating down through the lineage and affecting the lives of the living descendants. Ancestral healing may be indicated when:

-someone is experiencing negative persistent patterns that don't make sense to them
-have intergenerational legacies of pain and abuse
-generations living out the same negative experiences over and over again that feel like “family curses”. 

In healing our ancestors and making the necessary repairs in the lineage, we can find healing in those persistent negative patterns that we have inherited and which keep us from living healthy, fulfilling lives. This is a very involved process and can take multiple sessions and also some guided work on your own part. Prices to be determined upon initial consultation.